Next: Motivation and Design
Tiger: A Fast New Hash Function
Ross Anderson and Eli Biham
Among those cryptographic hash function which are not based on block ciphers,
MD4 and Snefru seemed initially quite attractive for applications requiring
fast software hashing. However collisions for Snefru were found in 1990, and
recently a collision of MD4 was also found. This casts doubt on how long these
functions' variants, such as RIPE-MD, MD5, SHA, SHA1 and Snefru-8, will remain
unbroken. Furthermore, all these functions were designed for 32-bit processors,
and cannot be implemented efficiently on the new generation of 64-bit
processors such as the DEC Alpha. We therefore present a new hash function
which we believe to be secure; it is designed to run quickly on 64-bit
processors, without being too slow on existing machines.
Eli Biham
Thu Feb 8 15:00:23 IST 1996